Miss Irene, you made your mark, you have arrived!
Now it's time for you to retire as a bee would to its hive
Your time with the County is akin to the quilts you made with love
For you gave a piece of yourself, all over the County you roved
For as unsure as you were as to whether to pass the baton
The Unseen Hand prepared you according to His plan of action
And the years you spent laboring over all those cases
Certainly put a smile on everyone's faces
You plodded on during thick and thin
Everyday telling yourself this job is a win, win, win
Giving hope to the neglected and abused child
Furnishing financial subsistence is like giving sight to the blind
40 years wow! This is plenteous
Now Rio awaits you, it will be joyous
Again, we bid you Godspeed and adieu!
Be bold and adventurous, fashion your hair anew!