
One Year Later - Excerpt

A wonderful year long journey this has been
You watched Wesley, your little boy appear on the scene
Upon the world to make his mark
To discover that stuff really happens when he baby talks

Thank God everyday for this beautiful child
Who blesses you every time he smiles
There’s no worthier vocation than this
Yes, baby Wesley’s first year has given you such bliss

By Doreen Procope

Miss MiLee - New Job Poem

The day has come, this is it
You’ve decided to throw in the towel and quit
What’s up with that Miss MiLee
No need to up and run like a wild young filly

Yes, it's true there’s only one of you
But do you have to take yourself to the GA crew
Boy, don’t they know they are in for a rude awakening
Miss MiLee’s gonna be in the house a hollering

You can even work yourself silly with all that overtime
More money in your pocket is the winning ticket every single time
Much cash you need to buy all those designer labels
A girl does need to look her best to feel tip-top and stable

Have a great time fraternizing over there
And when you’ve had enough, come right back over here
Cause I’m sure many would agree
To this place you’ve added sparkle and joviality

Things will be somewhat different for Miss Noi
No more carpooling and buddy days will she enjoy
But that’s okay, some things in life are meant to be
So gather your things together and get out of here, you are free

Happy Retirement, Ms. Irene! - Excerpt

Miss Irene, you made your mark, you have arrived!
Now it's time for you to retire as a bee would to its hive
Your time with the County is akin to the quilts you made with love
For you gave a piece of yourself, all over the County you roved

For as unsure as you were as to whether to pass the baton
The Unseen Hand prepared you according to His plan of action
And the years you spent laboring over all those cases
Certainly put a smile on everyone's faces

You plodded on during thick and thin
Everyday telling yourself this job is a win, win, win
Giving hope to the neglected and abused child
Furnishing financial subsistence is like giving sight to the blind

40 years wow! This is plenteous
Now Rio awaits you, it will be joyous
Again, we bid you Godspeed and adieu!
Be bold and adventurous, fashion your hair anew!